The Roman Catholic Church is NOT Biblically Sound
Everyone Should Know What The Catholic Gospel Is
The Roman Catholic Church is NOT Biblically Sound
I am a former Roman Catholic, who wanted to die a Roman Catholic, but was miraculously changed by reading and acting upon the message of the Catholic Bible. At one time I wholeheartedly believed Roman Catholicism and its unique, exclusive and authoritative claims that Jesus founded the Roman Catholic Church in 33 AD upon Peter, the first Pope and all other belief systems were inferior at best.
As a former Roman Catholic, I too once lit candles and bought Masses for the dead, prayed for souls in Purgatory, confessed my sins to the priest, believed in apostolic succession and papal infallibility, when the Pope (who is called the Holy Father) speaks ex cathedra. An example of such is the 1302 Unam Sanctam decree, which has been contradicted by Vatical Council II:
"... We declare, say, define, and pronounce that it is absolutely necessary for the salvation of every human creature to be subject to the Roman Pontiff" (Pope Boniface VIII, the Bull Unam Sanctam, 1302.)
As I was taught, I once believed ONLY Roman Catholics would have salvation. That is consistent with the Unam Sanctam decree and the hundreds of anathemas the Council of Trent has placed on all non-Catholics! Roman Catholicism believes the Bible to be the word of God, but places their Sacred Tradition on an equal par with (or even above) the written word of God. They believe in getting born again, but to them that occurs when an infant in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit is sprinkled, which they call water baptism. (Such is their way of producing the born again Catholic!) They also claim to receive Christ, but they think such happens at communion when they receive into their mouths, what they were told is the body of Christ in wafer form and they swallow it. They call that the Holy Eucharist and it goes into their stomachs! They say we are saved by grace, but to them that means salvation comes through their sacraments.
The Rosary and Their Epitome of the Whole Gospel
The Mary of Catholicism is prayed to, honored and venerated, but that is just a small part of how devout Catholics show their devotion to Mary. To them, she is their Life, Sweetness and Hope, and they openly recite such in the Rosary's Hail Holy Queen prayer. So how important is the Rosary to Catholics? Catholicism states the Rosary is the epitome of the whole gospel and their "whole gospel" magnfies a fabricated sinless sovereign Queen of heaven and refuge of sinners. They wrongly think that is the Mary of the Bible!
The Mary of Catholicism is also the ever-Virgin Mother of the Church, Mother of God, and she holds hundreds of other titles and exalted positions. The names of Mary in Catholicism are shocking and revealing! Among the most revealing, Catholicism says she never sinned, is co-Redeemer with Christ and the Mediatrix and Dispenser of ALL GRACE! These titles and roles should silence all who try to downplay how Catholicism (since Vatican Council II) views their fabricated Mary. Therefore, for many Catholics it is Jesus or Mary as the one to trust in for salvation! If that isn't enough, Catholics are taught to pray to Mary at the hour of their death, and in the Fatima apparitions she is supposed to be the way to God as well as our refuge. Many Popes have openly acknowledged their trust in Mary for their personal salvation! Besides all of that, Catholicism has elevated Alphonsus Liguori to sainthood and also made him one of their several dozen doctors, yet he was wildly heretical about the mythical Mary of Catholicism! How any religious system could endorse such shows the depth of darkness found within their leaders. The Biblical evidence shows Catholicism has fabricated their Mary to a lethal degree. Catholic history shows their view of Mary has evolved over the centuries, little by little, drifting further and further from the truth. Various lethal Catholic deceptions exist today.
With over one billion people around the world embracing Roman Catholicism and their unique distinctive doctrines (Rosary, brown scapular, transubstantiation, Papal Infallibility, etc.), we all need to know what Roman Catholicism teaches and how that compares to the word of God.
The following Bible-based teachings should prove to be a great blessing for all who earnestly want to know the truth of God. Though I am a former Roman Catholic, more importantly I am now a Bible-defined Christian and a new creation in Christ, who has been changed by the power of God after I learned the truth as written in Scripture and acted upon that truth. The true plan of salvation, which sets one free from sin addictions, is only found in the Bible! If you are a Catholic, for your own sake, carefully verify the following materials and change accordingly. Your eternal destiny depends upon it. If you are an ex Catholic, help us spread this life giving message to others. God bless you all.
Former Roman Catholic Debate Challenge
Dan Corner, former Roman Catholic or ex Catholic, would like to debate any Catholic apologist or theologian on the subject of Mary's role in salvation, according to the Scriptures.
Testimony Of An Ex Catholic
Testimony Of An Ex Catholic PRIEST
Mary, Salvation, Popes (mp3)
Mary, Baptism, Penance (mp3)
19 minute Radio Interview on Mary (mp3)
Peter's Primacy (mp3)
==>>> 30 Minute Radio Interview on my book,
Is this the Mary of the Bible? (mp3 audio)
Click the > button below for a 1-1/2 minute video entitled,
Is the Catholic Mary the Biblical Mary?
The Present-Day Official Teachings Of The Roman Catholic Church
Vatican Council II, the most recent Roman Catholic Council, which closed on December 8, 1965, is the current official stand of Roman Catholicism. These statements can be verified by consulting volumes 1 and 2 of the book, Vatican Council II printed by Costello Publishing Co., Northport, New York. Austin Flannery, O. P., is the general editor and each volume contains the Nihil Obstat and the Imprimatur.
Vatican Council II "Proposes Again" The Decrees of Trent
Many people in our day, decades after Vatican Council II, wrongly think the Catholic Church is changing its teachings. This is NOT true! The Mass has been changed from Latin to English. However, the meaning of the Mass today is identical to its meaning in the days before the dawn of the Protestant reformation. If you are an ex catholic too, do not be deceived.
Virginity Of Mary OR La Virginidad de Maria (Espanol)
Among those who agree that Mary was a virgin, when she gave birth to the Lord Jesus, there arises a controversy, that being: Did she stay a virgin after Jesus was born? Let's go to the Scriptures to find the answer.
"Born Again" Catholics and the Rosary | PDF
This article will remove confusion regarding "born again" Catholics and dispel misconceptions regarding present-day Catholicism through their open and widespread practice of praying the Rosary.
Why Do Catholics Wear The Brown Scapular? | PDF
Por que usan los Catolicos un escapulario? (Espanol)
"Whosoever dies wearing this (brown) scapular shall not suffer eternal fire. Mary's promise." The aforementioned promise of escaping eternal fire, because one is wearing the brown scapular, was made by Mary to Saint Simon Stock on July 16, 1251.
The Catholic church has given hundreds, even thousands of titles to Mary the Mother of Jesus. Of all of them, Mother of God is one of the most common.
Papal Infallibility OR Infalibilidad Papal (Espanol)
Papal infallibility is one of the great differences between Catholicism and Protestantism. Very few seem to be aware of the awesome implications of this Catholic dogma. Hopefully, this brief summary will illuminate them.
John 6:53 and The Eucharist OR Los Catolicos Romanos y la Comunion (Espanol)
Catholicism equates Jn. 6:53, "I tell you the truth, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you have no life in you" to communion, and thereby logically deduces that one must have it for spiritual life (or salvation).
St. Peter's Primacy and Mt. 16:18 OR
El Primado de San Pedro y Mt. 16:18 (Espanol)
Nearly a billion people around the world believe that St. Peter was the first pope, the chief of the apostles, and was given the "keys" to the Kingdom. The chief reason is the way Catholicism interprets the following verse: "And I also say to you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My church, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it" (Mt. 16:18).
The Real Blessed Mother of Jesus, Mary
Many non-Catholics have never really studied Mary with admiration. Let's take a look at the real Mary of the Bible.
Fifteen Promises of the Rosary
What we are being told is these 15 promises came through a vision of Mary that the Catholic Saint, Dominic, and Blessed Alan received in the 13th century. These promises which came from the Mary of Catholicism (which is not the Mary of the Bible) are for all who faithfully pray the Rosary.
Pope John Paul II Gets The Skull And Crossbones Award
Certainly, one sure way to know the official position of Roman Catholicism on Mary, besides going to Vatican Council II and The Catechism of the Catholic Church, is to go to the pope himself.
Why have people been returning to Catholicism? How could a former Roman Catholic ever return to such teachings and practices?
Alphonsus Mary Liguori is a well-known, respected figure and influential Catholic Bishop of the past. His teachings have been available for over 250 years.
Do Catholics Really Pray TO Mary?
As a former Roman Catholic, I have noticed over the years how various cults tend to deny, at times, their own teachings that they cherish. It seems they do this to help make their religion seem more Christian and acceptable than it actually is, especially when conversing with a possible convert or one that has influence. It is the same way with Catholicism!
Some Revealing Catholic Names, Titles and Prayers To Mary
Just how important is Mary to many Catholics and Catholicism as a whole? These titles reveal the answer!
The Immaculate Conception of Mary
The Immaculate Conception is a Catholic term that many have heard of, but few are informed about. Wrongly, many think the immaculate conception refers to Jesus' conception. The truth is this 1854 Catholic proclamation states that Mary was immaculately conceived and redeemed in her mother's womb and remained sinless her whole life through.
Pope John Paul II Promoted By Non-Catholics
In harmony with our apostate day there are different influential so-called Bible teachers describing the deceased Pope John Paul II in such a way that the uninformed might wrongly think he was a great Christian leader.
According to the Catholic church, the Virgin Mary appeared at Fatima, Portugal numerous times in 1917 to three little shepherds named Lucia, Francisco and Jacinta. Since the Roman Catholic church has endorsed and fully accepted these visions as being from God and they have in turn affected millions of people over the years by their messages these are very important Marian apparitions.
The Roman Catholic church has fabricated a Mary, which in many cases is a carbon copy, a very close resemblance or an exaltation of her to the point of canceling the Lord Jesus out of what he has uniquely accomplished for us.
When Mary sinned and became an unbeliever
A hidden and shocking truth about Mary, the Mother of Jesus, is what you are about to read for yourself from the following Scriptures.
Pope Benedict XVI reveals true Catholic beliefs
Many in our day, since Vatican Council II, have a dangerously wrong view of the beliefs in Roman Catholicism.
Ten Areas of Deadly Deception Among Catholics
If you are acquainted with the teachings of Roman Catholicism and the message of the Bible, you are aware of the irreconcilable differences between the two.
Read the personal testimony of a former Roman Catholic lady who found truth and salvation in the Lord Jesus and left Catholicism. This ex Catholic will bless you.
In our day, part of the problem with false doctrine is to get it to reveal itself clearly. By this I mean, that whatever false religious system we are talking about, often it is hard to get the people in the know to admit what they really believe. By denying or modifying their real beliefs the deception is harder to refute and precious souls remain endangered. The evidence presented here is POWERFUL! (If you happen to be a former Roman Catholic, pass these truths on to others.)
Anathemas--the True and the False (text) | (video)
One is doomed to eternal condemnation in hell if he is anathematized. There are true and false anathemas. Which should the Christian be concerned about? As a former Roman Catholic, I Dan Corner, have zero concerns about the false anathemas placed on me by Roman Catholicism.
Here is an actual email from a Catholic on the importance of the Eucharist (Catholic communion) to her. Her exalted view of the Eucharist is typical among Catholics. To some it is more important than Mary! Especially the response is important to read, verify with Scripture and remember.
Is 'Blessed Kateri' Really Blessed?
A recent healing miracle has led to the possibility of the first America Indian saint in the Catholic Church, that is, if the Vatican decides to canonize her!
Augustine's Prayer To Mary For Salvation
Please ponder this prayer and it will become apparent how darkened and deceived Augustine really was.
One of the chief arguments Catholics submit in defense of their veneration and praise for Mary is the following one about Jesus honoring his mother. Do you know how to answer it?
Is God Behind Weeping Mary Statues?
It is not too uncommon to hear of weeping Mary statues. In fact, there are thousands of weeping Mary statue reports every year, with many being frauds.
Mary's Recorded Words In The Bible
We can better understand the real Mary, the mother of the Lord Jesus, and her significance in various spiritual areas by examining the several times that she spoke.
A Priest Denies His Own Teaching.
It seems somewhat common for false teachers to flatly deny the very teachings they believe when it is convenient to do such.
Patrick Madrid Challenged To Debate.
Former Roman Catholic, Dan Corner, sent this email to Patrick Madrid challenging him to a text debate on the subject of Mary's role in salvation.
Testimony of another former Roman Catholic: From Catholicism, drug addictions and jail to Christ. This is another ex Catholic changed by the power of God and the Holy Spirit.
This movie is filled with bible truth mixed with some dangerous FALSE ideas about Mary.
A Catholic Reveals Her Heart About Mary
The following is an email from a disturbed Catholic regarding Mary. If so-called Protestants would read this email closely, they will notice the way she has been taught about her life, sweetness and hope, as declared in the Rosary and elsewhere. (First is her actual email and our response afterward.)
Excerpts from The Little Office Of The Blessed Virgin Mary
These quotes and prayers to Mary help to reinforce the overall present-day picture Catholicisism projects about their mythical Mary.
Catholic Truths flash version | Catholic Truths | Video version Verdades sobre el Catolicismo
Our gentle, loving flash cartoon for Roman Catholics.
Does baptism save? Many, including Roman Catholics, have been taught the wrong answer.
Infant Baptism: Is It Christian?
There are no Scriptures that show infants being baptized or a command suggesting this.
Comparing 'The Church' With 'The Church'
Catholicism contrasted with Mormonism
100 Biblical Names and Titles of Christ
The primary message spread by the Lord Himself and his followers was to go directly to Jesus Himself, place a submissive-obedient faith and trust in him and continue [endure] to the end for salvation. It is very easy to see why we are directed by God to do this after noting the various ways the Lord Jesus is described by his many names and titles. Each refers to yet another important place or position that Jesus holds in God's plan for man's salvation.
In our day, we hear much about unity. Some of this is good, but most of it is bad. The true, Biblical unity is something we Christians need to strive for.
Is Mary The Woman "clothed with the sun"?
Who is the woman of Revelation 12 described as being clothed with the sun? Two possibilities exist regarding the identity of this mysterious woman.
Catholic Salvation: Is It Biblical? (radio interviews)
Part 1, Side A | Part 1, Side B
Part 2, Side A | Part 2, Side B
Is Mary The Mother Of The Church?
Certainly, one of the most important titles ascribed to Mary by Catholicism is the Mother of the Church.
Present-day Catholicism and the Unam Sanctam Contradiction
Must one be a Roman Catholic to have salvation, according to their own official teachings before Vatican Council II? While many Roman Catholics since Vatican Council II will deny this, nonetheless, this is still their own clear doctrine set forth by Pope Boniface VIII in his Bull, Unam Sanctam in 1302. The following is what he wrote ex cathedra.
The Mary of Present-Day Catholicism
Much confusion exists regarding the beliefs of present-day Catholicism, especially since Vatican Council II. Since that Council, the Catholic church copyrighted in 1994 their doctrinal thoughts in a volume entitled, Catechism of the Catholic Church. This article is an eye-opener regarding their teachings on "Mary."
Mary Devotion Among Protestants
A Christian responds to these teachings.
Present-Day Catholicism According To Vatican Council II
A former Roman Catholic responds to these teachings.
There cannot be deception apart from a deceiver and therefore there cannot be counterfeit Christianity apart from a counterfeit Christian. One of the clearest examples of a counterfeit Christian on today's scene is Mother Teresa.
When one reads through the book of Revelation, he can easily see that the terminal generation of this age will see and/or personally experience the effects of war, famine, martyrdom, gross sin and deceit through Satanic miracles! Unfortunately, many in our day don't recognize that miracles do come through two sources -- God and the devil!
Indulgences Since Vatican Council II
Because so much controversy exists over present- day Catholicism and its changes since Vatican Council II, a need exists to clarify what and how significant these changes are.
2 Maccabees, an apocryphal and non-canonical book
Contained in the Catholic Bible, but omitted in the Protestant Bibles, is a set of books called the Apocrypha. One of those books is 2 Maccabees. This particular Apocryphal book is very important and often cited to justify the Catholic doctrine of Purgatory -- praying for the dead.
Is This The Mary of The Bible?
249 pages contrasting the
Mary of Catholicism with
the Mary of the Holy Bible.
click the book
Our 249 page book. In it you will read: (1) The present-day official position of Catholicism on Mary and (2) What the Bible says about this. This book is not an attack on the Mary of the Bible. Instead you are being shown that the Mary of the Bible is not the Mary of Catholicism. Written by a former Roman Catholic, who has been set free from his sin addictions. As a ex Catholic, the powerless and unscriptual ways of Catholicism taught to this author were unable to accomplish that.
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Miracles From God and Satanic Miracles
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