Satanism In The Vatican
Satanism In The Vatican!
Pope John Paul II — Burning in Hell | Popes Teach No Biblical Faith Needed for Salvation
Please notice the picture above with an upside-down cross. In his article, The Kingdom of Satan, Professor J.S. Malan says this about the inverted cross . . .
"This cross is not broken, but turned upside down. It indicates the rejection of Jesus Christ and contempt for the gospel of salvation. Inverted symbols are typical of the opposite values pursued by Satanists. People who are sometimes sacrificed to Satan on Black Sabbath are crucified upside down in accordance with this tradition."
“...even now are there many antichrists…” —1st John 2:18
It is easy to find Satanic websites and occult stores where you can purchase all types of items with inverted crosses. The "Upside Down Cross” symbolizes mockery and rejection of Jesus. Necklaces are worn by many Satanists. It can often be seen on Rock singers and their album covers."
“...and no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light”
—2nd Corinthians 11:14.
The "Bent Cross" is a grotesque emaciated depiction of Jesus Christ, the only Son of God who died to provide salvation for those who believe in Him. This scepter is used by the Popes on many occasions. Its occult ramifications and connections cannot be disregarded.
Pope John Paul II with frontal view of the Bent Cross.
Pope John Paul II with side view of the Bent Cross.
The Catholic religion often calls herself the "Mother Church." She's NOT the mother of Christ's church! By calling herself "mother" she is telling on herself. Is this the abomination spoken of in the Scriptures? . . .
(Revelation 17:5)!
Notice the Catholic religion calls herself a woman. The Bible calls Catholicism a whore, and what a GREAT WHORE she is—committing spiritual fornication with the kings and rulers of the earth (nearly every king throughout history has had some type of political, economic or religious ties with the Vatican). Read about how Nazi Germany and the Vatican worked together to murder millions of innocent Jews in the holocaust! Read The Vatican's Holocaust. She's DRUNKEN with the blood of the saints. Study the Inquisitions—the torture and killing of tens-of-millions of people.Oh, even the antichrist is naked in light of God's word.
"Little children, it is the last time: and as ye have heard that antichrist shall come, even now are there many antichrists (Popes and priests); whereby we know that it is the last time" —1st John 2:18
“And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet color (official Vatican colors), and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls (the Vatican is filthy rich), having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations (the Holocaust, inquisitions, etc.) and filthiness of her fornication: And upon her forehead was a name written, MYSTERY (very few people realize where the Catholic religion started), BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS (who seduce people into their damnable religion) AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH” —Revelation 17:4,5
Catholicism’s ill-gotten children profess to know Christ but do service to Satan by disregarding the commandments of God in order to keep the traditions of men which papists even themselves call "TRADITION." Why is she (the whore) called a mystery? The antichrist spirit of ancient pagan Babylon, though seemingly long fallen, lives in the rites and blasphemies of the Roman Catholic religion. Now that ancient Babylonian false religion lives today within the Catholic religion, disguised by Christian names. What a Satanic scam! The queen of heaven is now... Mary! Mystery Babylon lives, undetected by doomed millions across the world.
“The children gather wood, and the fathers kindle the fire, and the women knead their dough, to make cakes to the QUEEN OF HEAVEN...that they may provoke me to anger” —Jeremiah 7:18
Notice the Halo around Mary (especially her head). The is an idolatrous practice of the Catholics which symbolizes deity (that she is equal with God).The Babylonians practiced the same idolatrous worship to the Queen of Heaven. Mary is NOT deity, she was a normal every-day woman. Yes friend, Satan is definitely working in the Vatican and in Catholic organizations all across the world. Though most Catholics will deny worshipping Mary, the evidence says something very different! They bow down and literally pray in the name of "Mother Mary" to a graven statue of Mary. This is sinful idolatry! They are lying through their teeth. God makes CLEAR in His Word that He will NOT share His glory with another (that includes Mary).
"I am the LORD: that is my name: and my glory will I not give to another, neither my praise to graven images." —Isaiah 42:8
How could anyone be so foolish to actually bow down in prayer to a statue of Mary, yet at the same time deny that they are worshipping her? Talk about crazy! God clearly command us in the second of the Ten Commandments NOT to make unto ourselves ANY graven images.
"Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth:" —Exodus 20:4
Do the Catholics need glasses? It says right there in black and white in Exodus 20:4 that we are NOT to make unto ourselves ANY likeness of anything that is in heaven!!! Mary is in Heaven. We are NOT to make any likeness of her according to Exodus 20:4. So what do you call a statue of mother Mary?It surely is a likeness of her, a graven image! Here's another shocker...
"Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them..." —Exodus 20:5
Ok, so then why does every Catholic BOW DOWN before a statue of Mary in their worship places? I'll tell you why... because they are practicing FALSE religion totally void of the truth of God. You can argue whether or not you are worshipping Mary as your bowing down to her; but one thing is for certain, God has commanded us in Exodus 20:5 NOT TO BOW DOWN to her. Even if your not worshipping Mary, you ARE SINNING if you bow down to her because the Bible strictly forbids it! As I write, millions of people all around the world are bowing down to Mary in violation of God's Word. Yes, Satanism is in the Vatican!
"Howbeit in vain do they worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men." —Mark 7:7
"For false Christs and false prophets shall rise, and shall shew signs and wonders, to seduce, if it were possible, even the elect." —Mark 13:22
Sister Faustina's blasphemous Image of Divine Mercy. Notice the occult New Age pyramid.
Why is Catholicism So Popular?
"Howbeit in vain do they worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men." -Mark 7:7
"For false Christs and false prophets shall rise, and shall shew signs and wonders, to seduce, if it were possible, even the elect." -Mark 13:22
The Roman Catholic Teaching on Salvation and Justification (refuted)
Pope John Paul II - Burning in Hell
Fifty Years in the Church of Rome (by Charles Chiniquy, a former Catholic priest)
Thirty Years in Hell (by Bernard Fresenborg, a former Catholic priest)
· John 6:51 -Eating Jesus' Flesh and Blood? | Transubstantiation | Jesus
· A picture of the Catholic Jesus. (when papists eat the bread and drink the wine they think they are eating Jesus' flesh/guts/toe-nails/eyeballs/etc. They believe they are drinking Jesus' blood. They "receive" their Jesus by EATING him!)
· Didn't Christianity consist of the Catholic Church for the first 1500 years?
· The Roman Mass is Blasphemy (Papists supposedly sacrifice King Jesus on their altars over and over again. The Bible clearly states that Calvary was a ONE TIME event obliterating their blasphemous, heretical, damnable mass. Response to a Jesuit.)
· "What About John Chapter 6?" (The Catholic favorite to "prove" the Eucharist)
· "What Does John 6 REALLY Mean?" | Indulgences | Satanic Eucharist and Mass
· John 6:51 - Jesus' Flesh and Blood | The MASS (by Dr. Kyle Paisley)
· Papists Say that Jesus is a Piece of Cooked Dough (They believe in "another Jesus" as Paul terms him)
· Catholicism Unveiled (by Mary Ann Collins, a Former Catholic Nun)
· The Catholic Undertow (by Mary Ann Collins, a Former Catholic Nun)
· Unmasking Catholicism (by Mary Ann Collins, a Former Catholic Nun)
· Former Catholic Priest Rescued by the Grace of God | Testimony of a Former Former Irish Priest
· Former Nun set free by the word of God | Saved from the Damning Catholic Religion
· Former Nun who was sexually abused by priest | The Antichrist Unveiled (by a former Roman Catholic priest).
· Testimony of a FORMER Roman Catholic Nun
· Former Nun Now Free from Roman Catholic Paganism
· Catholic torture of a cloistered nun | Testimony of a FORMER Roman Catholic Irish Priest
· Former Catholic Priest Describes Horrors of Catholic Monastic Life (bodily TORTURED and made to lick the floor clean with their tongue!)
· The Convent Horror of Barbara Ubryk | Pilgrimage from Rome, former priest
· Is Mother Theresa a Christian? (written before she died)
· Wicked vicar replaces Father, Son and Holy Ghost with Jesus, Mary, and Joseph! (devotion to Joseph?)
· Peter was married! (the supposed first pope--why the demand for a celibate priesthood?)
· Catholic Religion DELETES One of the Ten Commandments
· Is Catholic Tradition Equal to the Bible? | Why the Apocrypha isn't in the Bible
· An Interesting Tale of the Eucharist (Catholics believe they eat Jesus and drink His actual blood! Incredible!)
· RELICS—Papists Worship Dead Bodies, Skulls (Where's that in the Bible? It simply isn't there)
BOOKS ON POPERY (good books!)
§ Thirty Years in Hell Former priest, Bernard Fresenborg, blows the cover off of the wicked, superstitious Whore and her victims.
§ Who Can Forgive Sins? (Audio sermon, by Dr. Max D. Younce, Th.D)
§ The Priest, the Woman and the Confessional (By former priest Charles Chiniquy. The Great Whore is the mother of harlots. Lasciviousness from the famous confessional box. If I didn't know so much about the Whore, I may not believe it.)
§ Fifty Years in the Church of Rome (disclosures by former priest Charles Chiniquy)
§ No Priests Today (Windows Media audio sermon by Dr. Max D. Younce, Th.D)
§ Roman Catholics and the Priest (Windows Media audio sermon, by Dr. Max D. Younce, Th.D)
§ The Two Babylons (Free online book by Alexander Hislop, or you can Download the entire book Here as a ZIP file)
§ Catholic Religion BANNED Bible Reading (Pope Pius VII says Bible does more harm than good)
§ Catholic canon law says pope can take folks to hell with him if he wants to!
§ Catholicism: Crisis of Faith (On-line transcript of the excellent video)
§ Pope Purposely Misinterprets Scripture
§ The Catholic Priesthood (by a former priest) | Purgatory Pickpocket
§ Evangelicals & Catholics Together: Starring Sell-out Chuck Colson
§ Hitler's Death Camps (holocaust or inquisition?)
Book I - History of the Papacy (by J.A. Wylie)
Origin of the Papacy |
Rise and Progress of Ecclesiastical Supremacy |
Rise and Progress of the Temporal Sovereignty |
Rise and Progress of the Temporal Supremacy |
Foundation and Extent of the Supremacy |
The Canon Law |
That the Church of Rome Neither has Nor Can Change Her Principles on the Head of the Supremacy |
Book II - Dogmas of the Papacy
The Popish Theology |
Scripture and Tradition |
Of Reading the Scriptures |
Unity of the Church of Rome |
Catholicity of the Church of Rome |
Apostolicity, or Peter's Primacy |
Infallibility |
No Salvation out of the Church of Rome |
Of Original Sin |
Of Justification |
The Sacraments |
Baptism and Confirmation |
The Eucharist--Transubstantiation--The Mass |
Of Penance and Confession |
Of Indulgences |
Of Purgatory |
Of the Worship of Images |
Of the Worshipping of Saints |
The Worship of the Virgin Mary |
Faith Not to be Kept with Heretics |
Book III - Genius and Influence of the Papacy
Genius of the Papacy |
Influence of Popery on the Individual Man |
Influence of Popery on Government |
Influence of Popery on the Morals and Religious Condition of Nations |
Influence of Popery on the Social and Political Condition of Nations |
Book IV - Present Policy and Prospects of the Papacy
Sham Reform and Real Re-action |
New Catholic League, and Threatened Crusade against Protestantism |
General Propagandism |
Prospects of the Papacy |
Catholicism's HOUSE OF HORRORS!
· 783 New Sexual Abuse Claims Against the Catholic Church in 2005 | Ex Cathedra Lies
· Vatican Told Bishops to Cover Up Sex Abuse! (Protect your children... leave the Catholic Religion!!!)
· No Difference Between the Pope and Mormon Cult Leader Jeff Warren
· BEWARE of the Catholic Church! (pedophile city!) | Warning About All Catholic Confessionals
· Homosexual Priests | Homosexuality and Pedophilia | Priests and Boy Scouts
· Homosexual Priests (by Pastor Max D. Younce) | Audio version
· Catholic Church covered up abuse by Molesting Priests (for as many as 40 years).
· List of Clergy Crimes (links to related news articles)
· Rome's Arrogant Immorality | Another Pervert Priest | Priestly Porn
· Catholic Priesthood: Repository of Perverts (notorious for child molestation, why?)
· Priests Rape Nuns in 23 Countries--Sex Scandals | More Sex Scandals
· Auricular Confession and Popish Nunneries (Former priest blows cover off lascivious, evil priests)
· Read about the Vatican's Holocaust in the 20th Century. by Avro Manhattan
· Mission to Catholics International (founder & former priest Dr. Bart Brewer)
· Pope Says Satanism in the Vatican (I'm only surprised that he admitted it)
· Why Does the Pope Carry a Bent Cross? | Secrets of the Vatican
· Malachi Martin and the Enemy Within | Can the Catholic Church Save Itself?
· The "Ex-Files", Secrets of the Catholic Church | The Devil at Home in Rome
· Catholic Inquisition, Hitler, & Fascism (Hitler was Catholic and NEVER excommunicated!) Popery made news-making "pseudo-apology" for it. The Vatican helped crazy Nazis get away.)
· Saint Bartholomew's Day MASSACRE Courtesy of the Vatican (Verifiable history. Pope made a "pseudo-apology" for it. Greed and blood lust have always ruled the papacy.)
· The Vatican's Holocaust (20th century torture and murder by the Whore of Revelation--the Catholic "Church").
· Catechism vs. the Bible (catechism contradictions)
· The Vatican has BILLIONS! (Pope makes a killing! Financial advisor convicted on 65 charges).
· Former Catholics for Christ (Compelling evidences of the Satanic nature of Romanism!)
· Falsehoods of Romanism | Hatemonger or Contending for the Faith?
· CATHOLICISM: Crisis of Faith (powerful 54-minute video of former priests and nuns who've become Christians. Available from, See transcript) | Excellent Articles on the Errors of Popery
· Errors of Rome by the "European Institute of Protestant Studies" (exposing the papacy aka seat of the Antichrist)
· Papists Say You Can Buy Your Way Out of Hell...ER, PURGATORY (indulgences)
· Understanding Roman Catholicism (on-line book by Rick Jones)
Russian Orthodox
· Russian Orthodox Cult Exposed! (Russian Catholicism)
· Orthodox Catholic Idolatry (see the Catholic Skull and Bones cross)
· Icon Worship is Satanic | Satanism in Orthodox Catholicism
· Catholic Idols (Exodus 20:3-5 forbids even bowing to an image of ANY kind.)
· The Sinful Veneration of King Wenceslas (Devilish skull worship)
· The Russian Orthodox Church | Sun Worship in Orthodox and Catholic Churches
· Orthodox and Catholics Worshipping Old Bones | Worshipping the Popes
· Dragons, snakes and Triton/Neptune cross in the Orthodox church
· Worshipping Graven Images | Masonic Ceremonies in Orthodox Churches
· Masonic "Skull and Bones" on Orthodox Church Crosses
· Devil Worship | Pagan Practices in the Pagan Church
· Pagan Rituals | Orthodox Satanism
"Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake. Rejoice, and be exceeding glad: for great is your reward in heaven: for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you." —Matthew 5:11-12
Ye Must Be Born Again! | You Need HIS Righteousness!