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The 144,000 and The Jehovah's Witnesses


Who Are The 144,000

PROOF! There Will Be More Than 144,000 In Heaven


Only in the Book of Revelation do we read of this special group of 144,000. There is a mystery surrounding them. Who are the 144,000 and could some people alive today be of the 144,000? What are the Biblical details? Here are eight known facts:


They each get a seal on their foreheads (7:3)


They are from the twelve tribes of Israel (7:4-8), that is, 12,000 from each of the 12 tribes.


They get Jesus’ name and the Father’s name written on their foreheads (14:1). 


They were before the throne where they alone could learn a heavenly praise song to sing (14:3).


They were redeemed from the earth, purchased from among men (Rev. 14:3,4) and offered as firstfruits to God and to the Lamb (14:4).


No lie was found in their mouths; they are blameless. (14:5)


They kept themselves pure from defilement with women (14:4).


They are still following JESUS in heaven (14:4)

Jehovah's Witnesses Beliefs About The 144,000


The Jehovah's Witnesses have been wrongly taught that only the 144,000 will be in heaven and they are all Jehovah's Witnesses! The rest of God’s servants will dwell on paradise earth and not be in heaven. The 144,000 have been "born again" and the ones alive today have a "heavenly hope." In part, for the Jehovah’s Witnesses to come to those false conclusions they must:


Literally take the number (144,000), but reject they are literal Jews as the same text says.


Believe the 144,000 will be in heaven, but deny the great multitude that no man can count in Rev. 7 will also be in heaven, even though both groups are in the same place described as being before the throne:



And they [144,000] sang a new song before the throne and before the four living creatures and the elders. No one could learn the song except the 144,000 who had been redeemed from the earth. (Rev 14:3)



After this I looked and there before me was a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people and language, standing before the throne and in front of the Lamb. They were wearing white robes and were holding palm branches in their hands. (Rev 7:9)




Therefore, “they are before the throne of God and serve him day and night in his temple; and he who sits on the throne will spread his tent over them.” (Rev 7:15)

Again, since the 144,000 are before the throne and that is in heaven, then the great multitude that no man can count must also in heaven, since they too are before the throne! Having said all of that, the answer to the question who are the 144,000 is they are 144,000 Jews who will be the first ones martyred during the days of the



antichrist. Hence, all of the 144,000 are of the last generation.

More Than 144,000 In Heaven


It is even more clear that the number in heaven with Jesus will definitely exceed 144,000 and is shown by the following:



Whoever serves me must follow me; and where I am, my servant also will be. My Father will honor the one who serves me. (John 12:26)

Jesus stated all of his servants will be with him! So, where is he referring to? Heaven. This glaring inconsistency about the 144,000 is just another obvious error and more evidence showing the Watchtower Society in not Jehovah’s Organization, as they have taught their own gullible members. To have true salvation also means one is set free from his sin addictions. The plan of salvation taught by the Watchtower Society can never bring that about! They are also wrong about who are the 144,000.

The Watchtower Society: Jehovah's Organization or False Prophet? (pdf, legal-landscape)
Free Cult Literature (wma)
Jehovah Witness

How To Answer Jehovah's Witnesses Effectively

LEARN What The Single LIE Is That Holds The Sincere JW To The Watchtower?

jehovah's witnesses charles taze russell great pyramid What does it take to effectively answer a Jehovah's Witness (or Jahova's Witness as they say in certain parts of the world) to the place that he is shaken from his spiritual delusions? It will take exposure to God's truth plus, on the part of the Jehovah's Witness, a heart which is open to Scripture.jehovah's witness Kingdom Hall Sign Jehovah's witnesses beliefs seem to be set in stone. Many of the Jehovah's witnesses are so indoctrinated and their lives are so wrapped up with their religion that they refuse to consider the evidence which any Christian may offer, even if it comes from their own literature! They know they would lose it all if they became a Bible-defined Christian since those who leave the organization are considered apostates and shunned by others, even their own natural family members. Hence, the price seems too great for many, but not all of them. Some Jehovah's witnesses do come to salvation. Christians must try to win their souls, for they desperately need eternal life. [Eternal life is ONLY in the Lord Jesus Christ (1 John 5:12,13) and NOT any organization or denomination. Eternal life is also spiritual life, which Christians have now this side of the grave before their physical death. These are true Christian beliefs.]

The Watchtower Society is NOT Jehovah's Organization

jehovah's witnesses eternal life Some Jehovah's Witnesses are answered with a simple Scripture, which they don't know exists. Charles Taze Russell false prophet jehovah's witness founderAt other times it might take showing them their own false teachings and false prophecies of the Watchtower Society. But never forget, the real culprit is the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society located in Brooklyn, New York. That is their headquarters, who the members think is the one and only Jehovah's Organization where God's truth is found! Thus, all the doctrinal decisions are made there, which will filter throughout the world through their members. That is why the Jehovah's Witnesses want potential converts to read and accept the teachings found in their many Watchtower Society publications. In truth, they don't have Bible studies! They have Watchtower book studies where potential converts are jumped around from partial Scripture to partial Scripture to arrive at their predetermined conclusions.


Charles Taze Russell and JW History

The history of the Jehovah's Witnesses from its founder Charles Taze Russell on is filled with a long list of failed false prophecies, changed doctrines and ruined lives! The organization headquarters is a clear and definite example of a false prophet, a ferocious wolf in sheep's clothing: jehovah's witnesses bible new world translation
Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves. (Mat 7:15)
jehovah's witnesses answeredHence, the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society is a dangerous enemy to God's truth and to SOULS! They are diabolical deceivers and have gone so far as to conveniently produce their own so-called translation of the Bible, which they call The New World Translation. Its foremost feature is supposed to be the restoration of the divine name Jehovah, but in reality it is a dark perversion of God's word where words are changed, added or omitted to alter the meaning according to Watchtower doctrine! WARNING: Do NOT be influenced by the NWT. It is NOT reliable or consistent. It is a satanic tool and on a par with the Book of Mormon and Koran.

JWs Falsely Claim To Be In The Truth (PDF print free tract)

The Jehovah's Witnesses who come to our doors and who are seen on the streets holding up their magazines are victims and slaves of the Watchtower Society. They have bought into the single lie that God's truth can only be found through the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society's materials. Because the Jehovah's Witnesses have been deceived with that single concept they, therefore, rely solely on materials from the Watchtower Society for the correct understanding and interpretation of the Bible. They also think, by doing that, they are taking in knowledge for everlasting life! (NOTE: it was the Watchtower who taught the Jehovah's Witnesses that only the Watchtower can correctly interpret the Scriptures!)

Jehovah's Witnesses Beliefs

So what have they been taught and what are Jehovah's Witnesses spreading to others? Besides (correctly) believing in the virgin birth like Catholics do, some examples of the Jehovah's Witnesses weird and dangerous unscriptural teachings are:
1914 GospelThe gospel is that the kingdom was established in the heavenlies in 1914.
Jesus, Michael The Archangel Jesus is only a god and Michael the archangel, the first and greatest creation of Jehovah God.
No Hell Hell is the grave.
Annihilated Wicked people and the devil will be annihilated.
Soul Sleep The departed soul of man is unconscious (or asleep) until the resurrection.
144000 Only 144000 can be born again and will go to heaven.
The rest of the faithful Jehovah's witnesses will live forever on paradise earth.
Jesus' Body Didn't Resurrect Jesus did NOT resurrect bodily, when he resurrected.
Second Chance Some people will be given a second chance to accept God's ways during the 1,000 year reign of Christ.
Jesus' Body Didn't Resurrect Sincere Jehovah's Witnesses are shackled to the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society because they think taking in knowledge, as defined by their headquarters, is the only way to get everlasting life!
Do NOT Pray To Jesus We can NOT go to Jesus in prayer for salvation and can not have eternal life at this moment. (Eternal life to them is physical life, which lasts eternally!)
jehovah's witnesses answered taking in knowledge If you are a Christian, please know the Jehovah's Witnesses are at your door only to convert you! They have come to teach you, not to be taught. They will try to control what subjects are discussed and will not stop as long as they think they can succeed in changing you to become one of them! Since the Jehovah's Witnesses have five meetings a week in their meeting place, which they call a Kingdom Hall, and practice public speaking and answering people in various situations, they will come confidently and prepared. watchtower headquartersIf you don't know the basic Bible doctrines, some of their own weird beliefs and why they are wrong, you may be much better off not to talk to them at this time. Perhaps after learning how to answer a Jehovah Witness, as cited on this website, you could set up a future meeting. Jehovah's Witnesses need salvation though they have zeal and can quote some Scriptures. Remember, even the devil can quote Scripture (Lk. 4:9,10), so don't be deceived! If you become effective in answering the Jehovah's Witnesses, they may not ever return to your house and will even warn other Jehovah's witnesses to stay away too! Jehovah's Witnesses need to be answered and exposed. The need is great.

Jehovah's Witnesses Answered In Detail

jehovah's witnesses answered exposed false prophets Jehovah Witness GospelThe Jehovah's Witness Good News Of The Kingdom
To the Jehovah's witnesses the gospel is that the kingdom was established in the heavenlies in 1914!
jehovah's witnesses answered John 17:3The Watchtower's Deadly Distortion of John 17:3
A very important Scripture to a Jehovah's Witness regarding salvation is John 17:3, that is, as it reads from their strange so-called Bible, 'The New World Translation' ...
Jehovahs witnesses in the truth JW answeredThe Jehovah's Witness Mind
The Jehovah's Witnesses believe ONLY the Watchtower Society (their headquarters) can correctly interpret the Bible. Why? Because that is how the Watchtower Society taught them. In other words, the Watchtower Society has taught them only the Watchtower Society can correctly understand the Bible, but it wasn't that obvious as it was occurring.
Questions For Jehovah WitnessesQuestions For Thinking Jehovah's Witnesses
Preguntas Para Testigos de Jehova Pensantes (Espanol)

Sooner or later everybody is going to encounter a Jehovah's Witness. Our new set of questions for thinking Jehovah's witnesses will help you convince them they really do not have God's truth as they have been deceived into thinking.

New World TranslationThe New World Translation

humanity of christ doesn't negate the deity of christ

The New World Translation (NWT) of the Jehovah's Witnesses is a very important piece of evidence to examine when considering the self-exalting claims of the Watchtower Society. This proof is CLEAR AND DESTRUCTIVE to the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society.

La Traduccion Nuevo Mundo (Espanol)

La Traduccion Nuevo Mundo de los Testigos de Jehova es una muy importante pieza de evidencia a ser examinada al considerar los auto-exaltados reclamos de la Sociedad Atalaya.

jehovah's witnesses answered Should Jesus Be WorshipShould Christians Worship Jesus?
The early Christians worshiped the Lord Jesus (and prayed to him). Are you in the same truth that the early Christians were in or have you been deceived by a false teacher?
Jehovah Witness DoctrineJehovah's Witnesses And Their Beliefs,
Jehovah's Witnesses (or Jehovah Witnesses) are people who think God's Organization on earth today and single channel of spiritual truth is located in Brooklyn, New York. They call that place The Watchtower or sometimes Bethel, from the Biblical term which means house of God. Most significantly, they also believe only their leaders in Brooklyn have the ability to correctly interpret the Bible and accurately teach God's word.
Salvation TruthsInstant Salvation and The Jehovah's Witnesses Charles Taze Russell taught Jesus is ALMIGHTY Rev. 1:8
The Jehovah's Witnesses have been wrongly taught by the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society in many areas, especially about salvation. Among the various errors they spread about salvation, their denial of an instant and present-tense salvation for the believer in Christ is easily refuted. What confuses this issue is the other tenses in salvation too.
jehovah's witnesses answered Humanity Of ChristThe Humanity Of Christ
The humanity of Christ is important to know about when teaching the deity of Christ because Jesus is both God and man. Hence, he is the God-man. Not knowing about his humanity has misled some into believing the vicious attacks against the deity of Christ, as presented by the Jehovah's Witnesses and other counterfeit Christian groups. They wrongly argue that he is man and therefore can't be God, but that conclusion doesn't follow, as you will see.
Jesus is God By NatureScriptural Proof That Jesus is by Nature God
Evidencia Biblica Que Demuestra Que Jesus Es Dios Por Naturaleza (Espanol)

People are not aware that Jesus is God by nature, but not the person of the Father.

Finished MysteryA Heavyweight Jehovah's Witness Embarrassment -- The Finished Mystery
La verguenza de un Testigo de Jehova peso pesado: El Misterio Terminado (Espanol)

The seventh volume of Studies in the Scriptures identifies itself as the posthumous work of Pastor Russell. Are Russell's teachings keys to spiritual understanding as claimed?

Former Jehovah's Witness TestifiesA Former Jehovah's Witness Testimony
Brother Adrian shares his personal experiences in and out of the Jehovah's witnesses twice as well as his experiences with the "evangelical" churches in our dark day.
Jehovah Witness MindThe Jehovah's Witness Mind Charles Taze Russell taught Jesus is WORSHIPPED Rev. 19:4
Here are six basic facts regarding how the Jehovah's Witnesses think about spiritual issues. Read them over and you will better understand their way of thinking.
Charles Taze RussellFacts About Charles Taze Russell
Charles Taze Russell was the founder of the group we know of in our day as Jehovah's Witnesses. Many don't know much about him, while the Jehovah's witnesses themselves have been grossly misinformed.
Facts For Jehovah's WitnessesFacts On Jehovah's Witnesses
What the individual Jehovah's Witnesses are teaching others is NOT original with them.
144,000The 144,000 and The Jehovah's Witnesses
The Jehovah's Witnesses have been taught only the 144,000 will be in heaven and they are all Jehovah's witnesses! Is this really Biblical?
Deity Of ChristGod In The Flesh trinity doctrine
The deity of Christ is revealed through indirect evidence (among other ways). The indirect evidence centers around: (1) Jesus receiving worship, (2) Jesus being prayed to, (3) Jesus declaring we are to trust him the same as we are to trust God and (4) Jesus instructing us to honor him the same as we honor the Father.
Titles Of Christ100 Biblical Names, Offices and Titles of Jesus Christ
100 Titulos Y Nombres Biblicos De Cristo (Espanol)

The whole Bible is filled with references to Jesus in one way or another. Each name or title refers to yet another important place or position that Jesus holds in God's plan for man's salvation.

Jesus Is YHWHJesus, YHWH Of The Old Testament
Jesus, el YHWH del Antiguo Testamento (Espanol)

Was Jesus mistaken at John 5:37 or could there be another explanation regarding who was heard and seen as God in OT times?

607BCEDisproving 607BCE, From A Former Jehovah's Witnesses
The following email was sent in from a former Jehovah's Witness regarding the JW doctrine dealing with the incorrect date of 607BCE for the Destruction of Jerusalem.
Jesus Is NOT THe FatherJesus Is Not the Father, But is Deity
Jesus No es el Padre, pero es Deidad (Espanol)

All through the Scriptures we find evidence that Jesus is not the Father, but is deity (God by nature) like the Father. With all of this evidence about plurality between the Father and Son, how multitudes have been deceived about this is alarming to say the least. It seems once again that a creed or doctrinal confession has been the basis for one's personal belief rather than the Holy Scriptures. The truth is: Jesus is not the person of the Father, but he is deity like the Father. Such are true biblical Christianity beliefs.

Name JehovahJehovah's Witnesses and The Name Jehovah
Every person will encounter a Jehovah's Witness, since their door-to-door and street evangelism is so thorough. They usually make an issue about knowing God's name, even to the point of calling themselves a Jehovah's Witness. This article will help the Christian answer them.

El Uso de Jehovaacute; en la TNM (Espanol)

Toda persona se encontrara alguna vez un Testigo de Jehova, ya que su estilo de evangelismo puerta a puerta y en las calles es tan esmerado. A menudo ellos forman discusiones acerca del conocer el nombre de Dios,hasta el punto de llamarse a si mismos Testigos de Jehova. Este articulo le ayudara al Cristiano a responderles.

Trinity The Trinity
The Trinity is a very important doctrine to know about because there are a lot of groups that deny the Trinity.

La Trinidad (Espanol)

La Trinidad es una muy importante doctrina, la cual debemos conocer porque hay muchos grupos que niegan la Trinidad.

What Do Jehovah's Witnesses BeliefWhat Do Jehovah's Witnesses Believe? (A biblical/factual response)
In a six page tract published by the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society, entitled What Do Jehovah's Witnesses Believe? a select few of their teachings are mentioned.

Que Creen los Testigos de Jehova? (Una Biblica/Real Respuesta) (Espanol)

NO Annihilation The Wicked Dead - Will They Experience Annihilation or Eternal Torment?
If Scripture pointedly declares that the wicked dead will be eternally tormented, then we must interpret God's mercy, love, grace and justice as allowing for this. This article is a powerful refutation to the teaching of annihilation.

Los Muertos Inicuos Experimentaran Aniquilacion o Tormento Eterno? (Espanol)

Si la Escritura especificamente declara que los que mueren en iniquidad van a ser eternamente atormentados, entonces debemos interpretar que la misericordia, el amor, la gracia y la justicia de Dios permiten que sea asi. Este articulo es una poderosa refutacion a la doctrina de la aniquilacion.

red ballAnswering The Most Common Objections To The Deity Of Christ
Many deny the deity of the Lord Jesus Christ. They all tend to use the same argumentation, which is dealt with in this article.

Respondiendo a las Mas Frecuentes Objeciones a la Deidad de Cristo (Espanol)

Muchos niegan la deidad del Senor Jesucristo. Todos estos tienden a utilizar el mismo argumento, al cual nos referimos en este articulo.

red ballPoint People To Jesus For Salvation
If you are in tune with God's Spirit, his truth and are teaching the real gospel like the early Christians, you will be pointing people to Jesus for salvation, not an organization. If not, then you have been grossly deceived and are lethally deceiving others with a false gospel.
Watchtower Society The Watchtower Society | Print this as a tract in pdf format (change your printer settings to legal/landscape).
"Jehovah's Organization" or false prophet (ravening wolf in sheep's clothing, Matt. 7:15)? How shall we know?

La Sociedad Atalaya (Espanol)

"La Organizacion de Jehova" o Falso Profeta (Lobos rapaces vestidos de ovejas, Matt. 7:15)? Como podemos saber?


Who Is Jesus The Jesus of the Jehovah's Witnesses
Is He "better than the angels" (Heb. 1:4)?

El Jesucristo de los Testigos de Jehova (Espanol)

Es EL "mayor que los angeles" (Heb. 1:4)?


Jehovah Witness Answered

The Plan Of Salvation

Eternal Salvation

Former Roman Catholic

Eternal Security or Conditional Security

Evangelical Books

Prepare For Death

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