Alert 1
The Roman Catholic "Church" is Not Christian
- Introduction--practically all precepts of the Roman Catholic church contradict the Bible
- If you get saved, do not go join a cult. A lesson from Galatians.
- A Note About Tolerance
- The Woman is Drunken With Blood--at the instigation of her popes, Rome has shed rivers of blood of Christians who would not bow down to the Pope and Roman Catholic heresies and blasphemies--the martyrs of Jesus
- Proof that the Roman Catholic Church is known as a persecuting church
- Did the Roman Catholic Church give us the Bible? (history says, "No!!!")
- Roman Catholic Tradition contradicts the Bible* repeatedly. [click here to go directly to this section]
*[the Authorized Version of 1611]
* * * Introduction * * *
Practically all precepts of the Roman Catholic religion contradict the Bible repeatedly. In this article, we are going to examine a few Roman Catholic doctrines and compare them with the Authorized Version of 1611 of the Bible. The Roman Catholic church is the largest cult in the world and most preachers will not openly say so because it is so large.
For Catholics who read this--if you will only believe the holy scriptures--the Bible (Authorized Version of 1611)--and nothing else, you can be released from deception today. Just look at the scriptures and compare them to the precepts of Rome. You will not be the first person to read the scriptures clearly and then be saved by REPENTING of your sins and BELIEVING on the death, burial and resurrection of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ who shed his blood ONE TIME to pay for our sins that we have committed. He died to completely pay for our sins and he rose again for our justification (ref. Romans 4:25). You will not get to heaven by your own works and by following the rules and regulations of a (supposedly) religious organization--the Roman Catholic institution--which is founded on heresies and blasphemies. When we believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and read his word, we love him and he helps us to serve him and walk uprightly and understand what we need to know. Salvation is a free gift (reference Romans 5:15-16, 17)--no paying for "masses" (the "mass" is a horrendous blasphemy), "indulgences", etc. No "penance", crawling on your knees, purgatory (there is no purgatory, it is not in the Bible), etc. The Lord Jesus Christ died ONE time to purchase our eternal salvation. All that we have to do is REPENT of our sins, BELIEVE that he died for our sins, was buried and rose again on the third day, and we must also OBEY his word (his commandments are not grievous, reference I John 5:13). In the Roman Catholic church, it seems that the rich man has a better chance in the afterworld (according to her own false doctrine), because he can pay to have the masses performed to relieve himself of time in "purgatory" (which does not exist, but everlasting hellfire does). But in the Bible, we read on this wise, How hardly shall they that have riches enter into the kingdom of God! and, It is easier for a camel to go through a needle's eye, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God. (Luke 18:24-25). Purgatory is a money maker. The historic sale of indulgences is a money maker. People's souls and purses have been farmed for the devil for centuries on end, "Peter's pence", statue idols, and on and on it goes--and it was done in the name of "Christianity".
The following is excerpted from The Martyrs of Jesus--
The Roman Catholic Church is not Christian; her precepts contradict the Bible repeatedly. Nowadays, it can be heard that the Roman Catholic Church gave us the Bible--but she actually burned Bibles and them that translated and believed the Bible (witness William Tyndale, a good and a great man). Rome is full of heresies (e.g., Mary remained a virgin) and blasphemies (e.g., the mass--many died for not believing this). She has killed multitudes of Christians. She has maintained her blasphemous reign as the so-called "church" by force and deception--not by the truth of the Bible (which she publicly railed against). The Bible reveals who Rome is and is therefore dangerous to her. Why is she posing as the Christian church? False religion is a money maker. Her doctrines/teachings have enabled her to collect wealth, delicacies, adoration, and power for centuries on end. Her doctrines are made up stories consisting of various elements and superstitions and pasted together with some Bible names. Even one of her popes said that the Roman Catholic false Christ (her transubstantiatable "victim,") is a made up fable. When the Roman Catholic "Church" speaks of Christ, it is speaking of its own invention, not the true Christ. That is why her doctrines are diametrically opposed to the Bible, they have been made up over centuries of time. One can find dates when various heresies have been added to the pot (infallibility of the pope, assumption of Mary, etc.). The Bible speaks of people who preach "another Jesus" (2 Corinthians 11:4)--and Rome is in that category.
"Every age knows how useful this fable of Christ has been to us and ours*...8"
8 Fa de Christo fabula. Mornaei Hist. Papatus, p. 820.
Statement attributed to Pope Leo X who was speaking to his secretary Bembo.
(excerpted from History of the Reformation of the Sixteenth Century, Volume 1, Books 1-4
by J.H. Merle D'Aubigne, Legacy Publications edition, p. 51)
*(Rome's doctrines are heresies, lies, blasphemies, and fables--deadly dangerous fables;
these fables are actually destroying people's souls, FOREVER.
Those that love their own souls need to turn from the Roman Catholic fables and start listening to the word of God.
The word of the Lord is right and all his works are done in truth. There is no purgatory, just heaven and hell.
There is no "seven channels of grace." The only thing that God accepts is faith in the blood of Jesus which was shed to pay for our sins.
The word "purgatory" and the concept of purgatory are just part of the money-making Roman Catholic fable system--
to get out of "purgatory" people have to keep on paying for masses even after a person is D-E-A-D.
Former Jesuit, Dr. Alberto Rivera, said that whole fortunes have been left to Rome so that masses could be said--not leaving money to the family,
Pope Leo X (quoted above) now knows that whatever little worldly gains and lusts he got were not worth it.)
For the love of money is the root of all evil... I Timothy 6:10
Author Edmond Paris says that the "gigantic finances at the disposition of the Vatican and its Jesuits" gives Rome power in "so many spheres"--
"...The public is practically unaware of the overwhelming responsibility carried by the Vatican and its Jesuits in the start of the two world wars--a situation which may be explained in part by the GIGANTIC FINANCES at the disposition of the Vatican and its Jesuits, GIVING THEM POWER IN SO MANY SPHERES..." The Secret History of the Jesuits, by Edmond Paris, p. 9; emphases ours).]
Rome killed true Christians. Her heresies are manifested when someone reads the Bible. She has killed people for reading and translating the Bible. When Christians share the truth of God's word, Catholics who want to know the truth leave her (and so does their money). Rome has kept her reign by deceiving people with a false gospel and by force. Former Roman Catholic priest Richard Bennett boiled down her strategy--(1) get laws on the books in the various kingdoms and (2) then get them executed (see "The Pattern of Papal Persecutions, Then and Now", inquisit.htm).
The Bible reveals that Rome is drunken with the blood of the saints (Revelation 17:6), it intoxicates her, that woman that sits on seven mountains (Revelation 17:9). For centuries, the woman that sits on seven mountains has called Bible believing Christians, "heretics", and herself, "the Church"--but she is the heretic and she is not the church, but is actually the woman of Revelation 17, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH (Revelation 17:5). Christians have known this for ages, the historical record proves this abundantly. Former Roman Catholic Jesuit priest, Dr. Alberto Rivera, is very bold--
"Catolicismo [Catholicism] is the central power of the Antichrist."
--Dr. Alberto Rivera, former Roman Catholic Jesuit priest
From Rome to Christ, VHS (at approximately 18:20)
In the mouth of two or three witnesses, let the truth be established--
"Rome is the Seat of the Antichrist."
--King James VI & I
A Premonition to All Most Mightie Monarches
"...Popery is in deed The mysterie of iniquitie..."
--King James VI & I, 1605 Speech to Parliament
"The Pope is Antichrist..."
--King James VI & I, Meditation Upon Revelation 20:7-10
"Antichrist and his clergie...not only infect the earth...but rule also over the whole..."
--King James VI & I
Meditation Upon Revelation 20:7-10
"...the pope is that wicked one--very son of the devil, an Antichrist..."
--King Edward VI
A Small Treatise Against the Primacy of the Pope (see Conclusion)
"...the greatest curse the world has ever known--Roman Catholicism."
--Bernard Fresenborg, former Roman Catholic priest
Thirty Years in Hell, p. 277
What shall I do to be saved? Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved. BELIEVE that he died for your sins, was buried, and rose from the dead on the third day. As his disciple, go forward and OBEY his holy word (his commandments are not grievous).
The Lord Jesus Christ himself will save you. He paid for your sins, all of them.
You will not save yourself by sacraments and good works and paying your money and homage to an antichrist sitting in some made up "Petrine" chair. Roman Catholic doctrine is false and blasphemous and her Christ is a fable.
"Every age knows how useful this fable of Christ has been to us and ours*...8"
8 Fa de Christo fabula. Mornaei Hist. Papatus, p. 820.
Statement attributed to Pope Leo X who was speaking to his secretary Bembo.
(excerpted from History of the Reformation of the Sixteenth Century, Volume 1, Books 1-4
by J.H. Merle D'Aubigne, Legacy Publications edition, p. 51)
*(Leo is not saying this at this time)
"Sirs, ye know that by this craft we have our wealth."
silversmith Demetrius that made shrines for the goddess Diana (see Acts 19:25)
Believing in Rome's false doctrines will take a person to hell. They that worship God must worship him in spirit and in truth (John 4:23, 24). God is seeking such people to worship him.
John 4:23 But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him.
24 God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.
What is truth? The Lord Jesus told God the Father, Thy word is truth (John 17:17).
John 17:17 Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth.
We must worship God through his word, not some made up doctrine by a man pretending to be the vicar/substitute of the Lord Jesus Christ on this earth. The Lord is actually here in his people, his word is their guide, and his Spirit is their teacher. The Lord Jesus Christ is the head of his own church and every believer is a priest (1 Peter 2:5, 9). When a man attempts to place himself in the stead of the Lord Jesus Christ, he is a usurper siphoning off souls for hell--whether that man be called a pope or some other name.
We learn God's requirements through his word, the Bible. Pslam 138:2 teaches us that God has magnified his word above ALL his name. That means that just saying "God" and "Jesus" is not enough. We must follow his word.
Psalm 138:2 I will worship toward thy holy temple, and praise thy name for thy lovingkindness and for thy truth: for thou hast magnified thy word above all thy name.
True Christians follow God's word, not the word of man.
Romans 3:4 ...let God be true, but every man a liar...
There is no "chair of Peter". That concept is not in the Bible. Somebody made it up. The kingdom of God cometh not with observation--it is not in some multi-trillion dollar "church". The kingdom of God is within God's people (Luke 17:21). It consists of individuals that have repented of their sins and believed on the Lord Jesus Christ (his death burial and resurrection). He then comes and lives inside of them and helps them to keep his word (the Authorized Version of 1611 of the Bible). [Note: This is separate and distinct from the abominable empty-your-mind-contact-god/devil-directly contemplative movement where people are getting familiar spirits and devils that they may be thinking are the Lord. Through "contemplative prayer" men are being led to commit the sin that hath never forgiveness--anyone who has done this ignorantly, needs to repent immediately.]
How to Get to Heaven
Overview of the Bible
* * * If you get saved, do not go join a cult. A lesson from Galatians. * * *
The Galatians heard the gospel message of how to be saved through faith but they soon left the truth for another gospel--do not do this, be ware. False teachers preached a perversion of the gospel to the Galatians. False teachers/churches do the same thing today--whether "Jehovah's" Witnesses, Seventh Day Adventists, Mormons/Latter Day Saints, "Church of Christ", antinomian dispensationalist Baptist, Calvinist, Presbyterian, etc. May you never call yourself a Baptist, Calvinist, etc. because that is not what the Bible calls you. Saved people are Christians, disciples, saints. Cults take Bible doctrines and--
- add to them,
- take away from them,
- pervert them,
- and twist them.
We are to stay with the word itself, not somebody's perversion of the word. THERE ARE ETERNAL CONSEQUENCES FOR FOLLOWING A PERVERSION OF THE GOSPEL. WE ARE TO LEAVE GOD'S WORD IN TACT, JUST AS IT IS WRITTEN. IT HAS ALL OF THE LOVE, GOODNESS AND CORRECTION IN IT--NO CHANGES ARE TO BE MADE TO IT, NO SOFTENING IT. NO CONTRARY DOCTRINES. I heard somebody say something like this, "You do not have to be careful with God's word, it already has the care in it. Just be careful that you share it just as it is written." Don't alter God's word.
Revelation 22:18 If any man shall ADD UNTO THESE things, God shall ADD UNTO HIM the plagues that are written in this book:
19 And if any man shall TAKE AWAY from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall TAKE AWAY HIS PART out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book. [our note: The lake of fire that burneth with fire and brimstone is the destiny of those whose names are not found written in the book of life.]
Galatians 1:6 I marvel that YE ARE so SOON REMOVED from him that called you into the grace of Christ UNTO ANOTHER GOSPEL:
8 But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, LET HIM BE ACCURSED.
9 As we said before, so say I now again, If ANY man preach ANY other gospel unto you than that ye have received, LET HIM BE ACCURSED.
* * * A Note About Tolerance * * *
Concerning these last days, the Lord Jesus Christ said in Matthew 24:11, "...many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many." People are being deceived into thinking that the Roman Catholic Church is a Christian Church--but its precepts--when compared to the Bible--clearly show that the Roman Catholic Church is not a Christian church. This article is not about being "intolerant" or "anti-Catholic" -- it is about being "ANTI-DECEPTION" and, "HOW TO GET TO HEAVEN FOR ALL PEOPLE ACCORDING TO THE WORD OF GOD, NOT MAN!" Now...let us go forward with this treatise.
* * * The Woman is Drunken With Blood--at the instigation of her popes,
Rome has shed rivers of blood of Christians
who would not bow down
to the pope and Roman Catholic heresies and blasphemies
--the martyrs of Jesus * * *
In a few moments we will list some Roman Catholic precepts and traditions and compare them with the Bible, but first we will take a glimpse at a specific Bible prophecy in the book of Revelation (chapter 17). It is about a woman. This woman is identified as a great whore (see Revelation 17:1) and she is drunk--drunken with the blood of God's saints (see Revelation 17:6). The blood of the saints intoxicates her.
For a glimpse of the torrents of blood of the saints that has been shed by the Roman Catholic institution, check out "Systematic Murder of Believers--The Untold History of the Inquisition" (this article is written by a former Roman Catholic priest). It is said that during the approximately 600 years of the Roman Catholic Inquisition, tens of millions of Christians were tortured and murdered. Why the killing spree? Primarily to suppress any and all opposition to her heresies. "Side benefits" included taking the material wealth of her victims and showing the pope's power terrorizing people and keeping them in line believing Romish superstitions and heresies. Roman Catholic agents have tortured, crippled, burned, murdered, mutilated, and imprisioned millions of Christians. Rome's inquisitors hunted down Christians and had whole towns and cities wiped out, murdered. A look at papal decrees and letters reveals that the Inquisition was carried out under the instigation and authority of the popes of Rome (e.g. Pope Innocent IV's 1252 A.D. bull, "Ad Extirpanda" which gives laws and commands "To root up from the midst of Christian people the weed of heretical wickedness." Law 4 instructs the "twelve upright and Catholic men" et al (of Law 3) as follows-- "Those...appointed may and should seize the heretical men and women and carry off their possessions and cause these to be carried off by others..."). The office of the Inquisition has only changed its name--according to wikipedia, it was "Supreme Sacred Congregation of the Roman and Universal Inquisition" and it is now called "Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith" (CDF) (Congregatio pro Doctrina Fidei). For more information on atrocities, one may do an internet search on "Inquisition" or see The Antichrist Slideshow or "The Woman Drunken With the Blood of the Saints--A Look at the Inquisition, an Institution Instigated and Sustained by the Popes of the Roman Catholic 'Church'". The Bible further identifies this woman--she is a city, a great city (see Revelation 17:18) that sits on seven mountains. Before we get to specific problems with Catholic doctrine, let's review how this bloodthirsty organization treated two Christian men who simply wanted to get the Bible into the hands of the common people. In the late 1300s John Wycilf translated the scriptures from the Latin. About 44 years after his death, the Catholic institution dug up his bones and burned them calling him an arch-heretic. In the 1500's William Tyndale sought to translate the Bible into the language of the common people, English. He could not gain approval from the Catholic institution, so he worked as an outlaw on the run in Europe, translating the Bible. He was eventually captured, condemned and executed in 1536 during the reign of King Henry VIII. It is because of people like these men, Tyndale and Wycliffe, that we have the scriptures today. If the Catholic religion had its way, we'd still be in ignorance about the Bible and enslaved to the pope and his pronouncements. Time fails me here to tell of other marytrs like John Hus, John Rogers, etc. who were killed by popish persons. Guy Fawkes and other papists (followers of the pope) tried to kill King James VI & I (the king who commanded the translation of the Authorized Version of the Bible (also known as the Authorized King James Version), published in 1611) and the whole British parliament, in the Gunpowder Plot of 1605. "Knowledge of the Gunpowder Plot can direct the attention as to what has been happening in the earth." King James identified Rome as the seat of the antichrist in his, "Premonition [warning] to All Most Mightie Monarches." But all that was a long time ago. Look at what Rome did in Croatia (1941-1945) when she had the power. Her clergy was even mass murdering and encouraging Catholics to murder. See Roman Catholic Terror in Croatia: An Index of Articles. What was that all about? During the time of Roman Catholic Adolf Hitler, the country of Yugoslavia was broken up and Croatia was carved out of it to be a Catholic country. It was basically, "Convert or Die" time. Greek Orthodox Serbs, Jews, and Romas were forcibly converted and many were tormented and slaughtered in horrendous ways in order to make Croatia Roman Catholic. 700,000 Serbs were murdered between the short years of 1941 to 1945. An excerpt from, The Vatican's Holocaust-- Thirty per cent of Orthodox Serbs in the New Croatia were converted to Catholicism within a remarkably short period. ...whenever resistance was encountered, Catholic clergymen ordered, and, in fact, themselves often carried out the execution of many Orthodox. ...Instances of such priestly murders are many. Suffice it to mention a few. For example, Father Dr. Dragutin Kamber, a sworn Ustashi, but also a Jesuit priest. Father Dragutin ordered the killing of about 300 Orthodox Serbs in Doboj, and the court martial of 250 others, most of whom were shot. ...During one of his sermons in the church of Gorica, Father Srecko Feric, of the Gorica monastery near Livno, advocated mass murders with the following words: "Kill all Serbs. First of all, kill my sister, who is married to a Serb, and then all Serbs. WHEN YOU FINISH this work, COME HERE TO THE CHURCH AND I WILL CONFESS YOU AND FREE YOU FROM SIN." (The Vatican's Holocaust by Avro Manhattan, p. 87, © 1986) Rome, Hitler, and excerpt from our index page-- See, "Their [Vatican and its Jesuits] help was the main force behind the lightning rise of Hitler..." According to The Popes Against the Jews: The Vatican's Role in the Rise of Modern Anti-Semitism by David I. Kertzer (2001), the centuries old policies of the Roman Catholic Church helped lay the groundwork for modern anti-Semitism. The popes had put Jews in ghettos and required that they wear distinctive dress long before Hitler ever did. The legislation enacted in the 1930s by the Nazis in their Nuremberg laws and by the Italian Facists with their racial laws--which stripped the Jews of their rights as citizens--was modeled on measures that the Church itself had enforced for as long as it was in a position to do so. Jews in the Papal States were still being prosecuted in the nineteenth century when caught WITHOUT THE REQUIRED YELLOW BADGE ON THEIR CLOTHES, mandated by Church councils for over six hundred years. AS LATE AS THE 1850s, THE POPE WAS busy TRYING TO EVICT JEWS from most of the towns in the lands he controlled, FORCING THEM TO LIVE in the few cities that had GHETTOES to close them in. In order to lay to rest the charge of papal complicity in the Holocaust ("holocaust" means "burnt offering"--a burnt offering to what being? it must be the devil and performed by devil worshippers), Pope John Paul II asked the Vatican's Commission for Religious Relations with the Jews "to determine what responsibility, if any, the Church bore for the slaughter of millions of European Jews during World War II. A report came out over decade later, in 1998. Mr. Ketzer notes, "The Commission's neat distinction between anti-Judaism and anti-Semitism was not new to the 1998 document. In the wake of the Second World War, scholars and theologians close to the Church began to look for a way TO DEFEND THE CHURCH from the charge of having helped lay the groundwork for the Holocaust. The anti-Semitism/anti-Judaism distinction soon became an article of faith that RELIEVED THE CHURCH OF ANY RESPONSIBILITY FOR WHAT HAPPENED. BEFORE LONG, MILLIONS OF PEOPLE CAME TO ASSUME ITS HISTORICAL REALITY." [how many would have been tricked like that if our school textbooks were true reflections of history?] "...the distinction made in the report between "anti-Judaism"--of which some unnamed and misinformed Christians were unfortunately guilty in the past--and "anti-Semitism," which led to the horrors of the Holocaust, will simply not survive historical scrutiny. "The notion that the Church fostered only negative "religious" views of the Jews, and not negative images of their harmful social, economic, cultural, and political effects--the latter identified with modern anti-Semitism--is clearly belied by the historical record." (ibid, 6-7) The Jesuits. Mr. Kertzer notes the important role of the the Jesuit journal, Civiltà cattolica in making accusations against the Jews. "[Jesuit] [f]ather De Rosa notes with regret Civiltà cattolica's century-long campaign against the Jews, observing that the journal only changed course in 1965, in the wake of the Second Vatican Council*." *What happened after that council, Vatican II? Was not everything smiles and ecumenical "unity" from that point on? All the Hitler and Pavelic bloodshed did not prevail. Damage control lullabies and quibbles quieted things. Songs of peace and unity brought togetherness and the warm and fuzzy. · Roman Catholic Terror in Croatia: An Index of Articles (Croatia was a Nazi puppet state during the time of Adolf Hitler--in Croatia even Roman Catholic clergy were getting involved in murdering. We don't hear too much about Croatia, just mainly the Nazis. A descriptive white paper title concerning Croatia--"Genocide in Croatia 1941-1945 750,000 Serbs 60,000 Jews" (Published by Serbian National Defense Council of Canada, Serbian National Defense Council of America).) An extensive literature exists exposing the Roman Catholic Jesuit order. "...Protestants today are unaware that extirpating* their credo is STILL the unrelenting Jesuit mission." Extirpating the Protestant credo...this idea harks back to comments found in the Jesuit oath entered into the U.S. Congressional Record in 1913 (confirmed by the testimony of former Jesuit Dr. Alberto Rivera who described the Jesuit oath that he took)-- "...I shall come to, and do my uttermost to EXTIRPATE the heretical Protestants or Liberals' DOCTRINES and to destroy all their pretended POWERS, regal or otherwise." "I furthermore promise and declare that I will, when opportunity present, make and wage relentless war, secretly or openly, against all heretics, Protestants and Liberals, as I am directed to do, to EXTIRPATE and exterminate THEM from the face of the whole earth; and that I will spare neither age, sex or condition; and that I will hang, waste, boil, flay, strangle and bury alive these infamous heretics, rip up the stomachs and wombs of their women and crush their infants' heads against the walls, in order to annihilate forever their execrable race. That when the same cannot be done openly, I will secretly use the poisoned cup, the strangulating cord, the steel of the poniard or the leaden bullet, regardless of the honor, rank, dignity, or authority of the person or persons, whatever may be their condition in life, either public or private, as I at any time may be directed so to do by any agent of the Pope or Superior of the Brotherhood of the Holy Faith, of the Society of Jesus." Okay, Hitler and Croatia's Ante Pavelic were a few years ago (just a few). But look around. Is Rome out of the politics business? Are popes no longer meeting with heads of state? Is Rome no longer signing treaties and concordats with the kings/rulers of the earth? Look around. Is there really a separation between church and state in America? What is the common good? Where did it get its start? |
* * * Proof that the Roman Catholic Church is known as a persecuting church * * * The picture below from the Funk & Wagnalls Encyclopedia, c. 1965 (section title, "INQUISITION, THE") serves as proof that these assertions are known historical facts (fair use). Pictured are sample tortures of the inquisition and a Roman Catholic inquisitor condemning a family to die for "heresy"--not listening to the lies/demands/commands/reprimands of the Roman Catholic pope, et al is considered heresy by that band. True heresy is wresting and twisting around God's word, which is exactly what the popes, et al have done. "He is a heretic who does not believe what the Roman hierarchy teaches. --A heretic merits the pains of fire.--By the Gospel, the canons, civil law, and custom, heretics must be burned."--148, 169 Directory for the Inquisitors (As quoted in The American Textbook of Popery, page 379)